Yogini, Naljorma
Skt., yogini Tib., rnal-'byor-ma
1. A female practitioner of Tantra,
just as yogin or naljorpa (rnal-'byor-pa) indicates a male practitioner.
For an example, see Yogini Mahasukhasiddhi.
just as yogin or naljorpa (rnal-'byor-pa) indicates a male practitioner.
For an example, see Yogini Mahasukhasiddhi.
2. Goddesses within Hinduism, Buddhism and Tantra.
The traditional number of these yoginis is said to be 64, various lists give different names and sometimes a different number; varying from century to century. That yoginis are not minor deities - as is often written - becomes clear when we recognize among them a great number of powerful and important Indian and Tibetan goddesses. Major text-sources describing and listing yoginis are the Tibetan Bardo Thödol and the Indian Kalika Purana.
3. Yogini is also used as a title for initiated women practicing advanced rituals,
in both Hindu and Buddhist Tantra, for example the yoni puja or the stri puja.
4. The term has also been used to indicate and/or honor certain other women.
It sometimes refers to a class of accomplished female ascetics who spread Tantric knowledge, is used for a shamaness or medicine-woman, and can also indicate a woman temporarily possessed by the goddess.