The Sacred Feminine is a re-connecting with source, and nurturing of divine essence.
Here is a mystery, an incalculable delving into the void—out of which all things come—the unknowable deep abyss that is Love. The Inner Goddess is the spark of life, the inspirational, dynamic, flowing energy of creation and evolution.
Feminine wisdom and masculine skillful means are the two axes of enlightened mind—wisdom without skillful means is ineffectual, and means without wisdom is not skillful. Only when each has been cultivated in our practice and the two are experienced in union, inseparably, can our enlightenment blossom.
A female messenger of wisdom is called a DAKINI in the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit
"The Dakini is not far away.
We all have the Dakini within us.
Find her, Play with her, feel all the levels of her in ourselves and in the world. We need her.”
“Whether male or female, there is no great difference.
But if a woman develops the mind of enlightenment, a woman's potential is supreme.”